JSC Result 2025

JSC Result 2025

Only a few days ago JSC candidate sat for the JSC exam 2025. It’s been more than a month the exam has finished and now students are waiting to have their desire results. Education ministry has already confirmed that they are working on the results so that they can publish it as quick as possible. If you are a JSC candidate and looking for the JSC result 2025 then sit back and relax. Whenever the education board will publish the result we will inform you here and you will be able to get the result from our website also.
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JDC result 2025

As like as the JSC exam the JDC exam result is going to be published on the same date. So, for the students who has attended JDC exam and waiting to have their JDC exam result will also be able to find their result from the website. We are also waiting to have the result soon so that we can provide the result for the candidates.

JSC exam result 2025

It’s been a few days the JSC exam has finished. The board members have started their work when the exam had finished. Still they are working on the result. As it’s a board exam and huge amount of students attended in the exam which means it’s a big task for the ministry. And we all are waiting when the board finishes their task.

JSC Result 2025

JSC result publishing date

Result is the main attraction of an exam. Perhaps this is why the exam is taken by the education ministry. Every time when education board publishes result it’s a big responsibility for every single people who are included by the education sector. As it’s a big exam so education board takes minimum 40 to 50 days to publish each result. As the exam has finished 30 days ago so it is clear that the result will be published in this month. But the exact date hasn’t been published yet. Like the candidates we are also looking for the date. So, if education board publishes the result date we will publish It her.

JSC result 2025 Dhaka board

JSC result 2025 for Dhaka board will be published on the same date. All board candidates will be able to see their result at a same time. So, it doesn’t matter which board they belong. All the candidates who attended the exam will be able to see their result at the given date. So, Dhaka board candidates are also going to get their result at the same date given by the education ministry. Like these all the boards over the Bangladesh will get the results on the given date by the education ministry.

JSC Result 2025

JSC result hacking

It’s impossible to hack the result. Some illegal authorized may offer candidates that they will show the result before the published date which is totally a lie. Students are highly recommended to not to believe in foolish things like this. Just wait till the education board announces the result.

JSC result 2025 by SMS

SMS is another reliable way of getting the result. People used to get their results by SMS on the days when internet wasn’t that much available as like as it right now. Still students can know their results by SMS. For this all they need to do is to send a SMS to the given number below by sending the authority the roll number, board and group. Students or guardians who want to have their result via SMS will have to follow the rules given below -

JSC Result 2025

JSC result official sites

There’s only one website available which has the right to publish all types of board exam results. Educationboard.result.bd is the only official website by which students will have to get the result. So, students have nothing to be worried about. We have linked the website here for the candidates so that they won’t have to waste their time by visiting unofficial no reliable websites.

JSC result check by mobile app

There isn’t any app available yet from the education board to check the result. People can get their results from their mobile phone’s internet by using their browser. All they need to do is going to the website http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/ and then select required information. If anyone of you get issue while checking the result just visit our website. From our website students can check their results also.

JSC Result 2025

JSC result date 2025

All the candidates are still waiting to have their desire result date. Education ministry has already informed us that they are working on the result and within a few days they are going to publish the result date. Like all the candidates we are also waiting to know the exact date of publishing JSC result 2025. Whenever the education board publishes the new we will post the date here.

JSC result district wise

There are 68 districts in Bangladesh. And these 68 districts are combined with 9 education board all over the Bangladesh. These education boards are controlled by Bangladesh education ministry. Whenever the education board uploads the result students from all over the country will be able to see their result over internet. So, no district matters here. Students just need to select the name of the education board, roll and registration number. That’s it! By these information they can get their results from any district of the country.

JSC Result 2025

JSC scholarship result 2025

The scholarship result is going to be published just after publishing the board exam. Like every year education board is going to provide scholarship for the candidates who will get the highest marks in the examination. It’s a great honor for the candidates who get the scholarship. So, bright students are going to have a look if they are nominated for the scholarship or not. These candidates are highly recommended to follow are website because we are going to upload the scholarship result faster than others. So, keep following our website for the JSC scholarship result 2025.


Number of Participated Candidates

The candidates of JSC and JDC (Junior Dakhil Certificate) in 2025 were 1,908,365 in number. The exam held in 2,250 centers and there were 27,642 educational institutes. Among the candidates 1,011,503 were girls and 896,862 were boys. In JSC 1,553,575 examinees appeared and girls were more than boys in number. Male and female students participated in JSC exam respectively 727,493 and 826,082. This year 47,252 examinees were more than the last year.

The Publication of the Result

At first the Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid handed over the JSC Result 2025 to the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her Official Ganobhaban residence here this morning. Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, PM’s Principal Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikdar, Education Secretary Mohammad Sadiq and PM’s Special Assistant Mahbubul HoqueShakil were also present there. At the press briefing, the Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid announced the JSC RESULT 2025 and added that the result of this year had been better than the last year. He also said all indicators of the results in the JSC and JDC this year have improved compared to any previous year.

The Publishing Day of the JSC RESULT 2025

The examiners were seen to their schools for the JSC RESULT 2025. They were walking nervously and talking with their friends. The guardians also came to schools. Some students were calling their friends through mobile phone to come to school quickly. Examinees’ relatives were also calling through phone in every moment to know the JSC RESULT 2025. So their parents were busy in talking with the relatives. After 2:00 pm teachers announced the JSC RESULT 2025. Teachers also brought sweets and gave the students who have achieved good GPA. The examinees, who have done good in JSC started to jump and shout. Friends embraced each other. Parents felt relieved and laughed. Some cried with happiness. But the students who haven’t got their desired results cried and became frustrated. They couldn’t talk with their friends and went home silently.

JSC RESULT 2025 Hacked

Hackers are expert programmer and they are skilled in machine code. Some of them are engineers and know every rule and system of computers. They find weak point of programming and hole in networking system. They hack credit card’s account and steal huge amount of money. Some of them hack software, important files, websites etc. Sometimes they hack result database and change the result data. This type of hacking was done in SSC 2014 result. By this the students obtaining low marks get high marks. The parents who are making mountain of money through corruption hire these hackers so that their sons or daughters can do brilliant results. Hackers’ works are illegal. If POLICE catches them, they will be punished. They hack personal important accounts and thus blackmail the owners. It is a matter of joy that the JSC RESULT 2025 has not been hacked.

The Result of 2025

The statistics of the JSC RESULT 2025 indicate the best result compared to the previous years. This year the success rate was 92%. The passing rate of all board were 91% in Dhaka board, 96% in Rajshahi board, 89.08 % in Jessore board, 93.45% in Chittagong board, 93.7% in Comilla board, 90.78% in Sylhet board, 92.43% in Barisal board and 93.15% in Dinajpur board. Rajshahi board stood first having 96% success rate. After publishing the JSC RESULT 2025, students and teachers become ready for the next class study. Though JSC examination is only important for achieving desired group, it helps the students to be ready and make their mind fearless for the upcoming SSC examination.

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