HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question 2025 - 100% Common

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You all the students will find the best HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion and Question 2025 in this post. The HSC examination will be started perhaps from April 2025. English 2nd paper is an important and tough subject for the students and for doing well in English in HSC. The new syllabus design for hsc students is 40 marks writing part and 60 marks grammar part. Making a good and a+ mark in this subject is not so easy. So for the final preparation, students feel the necessity of the HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion. Also you may download All Subjects HSC Suggestion 2025. Also download the HSC Routine. Download Grammar Question & Suggestion and Final Question

HSC Suggestion and Question for all subjects and all boards

Download HSC English 2nd Paper - All Boards

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02. HSC English 2nd Paper Latest Suggestion

03. HSC English 2nd Paper Latest Suggestion

04. HSC English 2nd Paper Latest Suggestion

HSC English 2ndPaper Suggestion 2025

I request you to all the students that please scroll down from the top to bottom and read all the topics of the examination. We have mentioned many things regarding hsc examination, question pattern and suggestion. You will find many download links throughout the whole page. I request you to download all the pages, model questions and suggestions. If you can go through these suggestions, definitely you can cut a good figure in the upcoming hsc examination. You can also download HSC All Subjects Suggestion from here. Download Grammar Question & Suggestion and Final Question

Compulsory Subjects - Suggestions

HSC English 2nd Paper Question Pattern

There are grammar questions of 60 marks and writing questions of 40 marks. In grammar part, there will be questions on Article(5 marks), Preposition(5 marks), suitable phrases/ words(5 marks), Completing sentences(5 marks), Correct form of verbs(5 marks), Sentence changing(5 marks), Narration(5 marks), Pronoun(5 marks), Modifiers(5 marks), Sentence connection(5 marks), Antonym or Synonym(5 marks) and Punctuation(5 marks).In written part, there are Letter, Report, Paragraph, Composition and Dialogue. Download Grammar Question & Suggestion and Final Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion

Grammar part

Suggestion for grammar partcan not be given. Students have to study the rules of grammar and practice them more and more. They should practice all board questions of previous years. Download Grammar Question & Suggestion and Final Question

Writing part

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Rajshahi Board

CV: 1.A medical representative, 2.An office executive, 3.International mother language day, 4. Sales officer.

Paragraph: 1. Environment pollution, 2.The life of a farmer, 3. Traffic jam, 4.A street accident, 5. A school magazine, 6.Load shedding, 7. Your visit to a historical place, 8. An English teacher, 9. Your college library, 10. Victory day, 11.Computer, 12.Bad effect of smoking.
Composition: 1. Duties of a student, 2.Your 1st day at college, 3. My daily life, 4.A journey by train/ boat/ bus, 5. Wonders of modern science, 6. My aim in life, 7. Tree plantation, 8. A village market, 9. Physical exercise, 10.Newspaper, 11. A village fair, 12. Female education Bangladesh, 13.Population problem of Bangladesh.

Formal letter: 1.Increasing common room facilities, 2. Sitting up a computer club in your college, 3. A seat in the college hostel  , 4.Starting a debate club in your college, 5. Some money for excursion/study tour, 6.Sitting up a canteen in your campus.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

 HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Dhaka Board

Composition: 1. Student and social service,2. Wonders of modern science , 3.Childhood memories, 4. Unemployment problem, 5. 1st day at college, 6.Female education (Role of women), 7. Mobile phone.

Report: 1.Road accident, 2. Devastating flood, 3.Fire on factory/slum, 4. Earthquake, 5.Food adulteration, 6. Prize giving ceremony, 7. International mother language day/Independence day, 8.Price hike.

Story: 1.Honest wood cutter, 2. Failure is the pillar of success, 3. King Lear/King Solomon, 4.Happiness lies in containment, 5.A true friend, 6. Happy cobbler, 7.Greedy farmer, 8. Thirsty crow.

Application: 1.Job application, 2. Stage a drama, 3. Demanding for restriction on using cell phone in the class room, 4. Elective subject, 5.To DC/TNO/CHAIRMAN for road construction, 6. Common room facilities, 7.For English speaking club, 8. Study tour.

Dialogue: 1.Punctuality in student life, 2. Trial of war criminal, 3.Eve teasing, 4. Environment pollution, 5. Preparation for HSC exam, 6.Uses and abuses of mobile phone, 7.Cyber cafe, 8. Importance of learning English.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

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HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Writing Part Suggestion

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HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Jessore Board

Paragraph: 1.An ideal student, 2.Digital Bangladesh/Internet/Facebook/Social Media, 3. Danger of smoking, 4. Price hike/rise/spiral, 5.Street accident,6. Eve teasing, 7. Deforestation, 8. Drug addiction, 9. Your future plan, 10. Visit to zoo, 11.A book fair.

Composition: 1.Uses and abuses of satellite TV, 2. Natural calamities in Bangladesh, 3.Unemployment problem in Bangladesh, 4. Your first day at college, 5. Aim in life, 6. Rivers of Bangladesh, 7. Internet/Computer/Digital Bangladesh, 8.The season u like most, 9.Tree plantation.

Application: 1. A common room/Canteen/Computer club/English language club, 2. Seat in the college hostel, 3. A study tour, 4. Testimonial/TC/Full free studentship/stipend, 5. For audio system in class room, 6. Literacy club/Library facilities, 7.Relief for flood/SIDR affected people, 8. The repair/construct of a bridge/Road, 9. Sinking tube well, 10. Change of one of the elective subject.
Job application: 1.For the post of an accountant/Lecturer in English, 2.Marketing trainers, 3.Field workers, 4. Office executive, 5. Junior officer, 6.For the post of sakes executive, 7. Medical representative, 8.The post of Nurse, 9. Human resource officer.

Letter: 1. Inviting him to your sister marriage ceremony/ join your birthday party, 2. About bad effects of smoking, 3. To join a picnic, 4.For sending some money, 5.About importance of English, 6. About arsenic problem to your locality, 7. Unfair means in the exam hall, 8. About increase of terrorism in your area, 9.Frequent load shedding in your locality, 10. High price of essential commodities.

Dialogue: 1. How to make a good result, 2. Load shedding, 3. Bad effects of deforestation, 4. Village life and city life, 5. Importance of learning English, 6. Choice of career, 7. Uses and abuses of Internet/Facebook, 8. Acid throwing, 9. Arsenic pollution, 10. Doctor and patient, 11.Visiting a book fair, 12.Punctuality of student life/preparation of HSC exam, 13.Environment pollution, 14.Benefits of early rising, 15.Bad effects of smoking, 16.Coming exam, 17.Tree plantation.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

hsc english 2nd paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards
HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Sylhet Board

 Application: 1.A seat in the college hostel, 2.Setting up or to repair a road/bridge/community clinic, 3.Setting up an English debating club/Multimedia classroom/Speakers  club/Sound system/Computer lab/Literary club/Canteen/Common room/College auditorium/Hostel/Prayer hall/Library/Shaheed miner, 4.For seeking permission to go on a study tour/visit a place for historical interest/arrange a picnic/stage a drama/arrange a debate competition/a cultural function/badminton, football, cricket tournament/observe victory day/celebrate the anniversary of Rabindranath/Nazrul, 5. The post of a sales/medical representative/teacher/lecturer/manager /executive/personal assistant/editor/sub-editor/officer.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Report: 1.Drug addiction, 2.Different causes of failure in English, 3.Day long hartal, 4. Price hike, 5. The lives of slum dwellers, 6. Traffic jam, 7. Fire in a garment factory, 8. Food adulteration, 9. A road accident.

Paragraph: 1.Female education, 2. Global warming, 3. The curse of doury, 4. Environment pollution, 5. Traffic jam, 6.Facebook/social communication media, 7. Climate change, 8. Earthquake, 9. The effects of deforestation, 10.Price hike, 11.Childhood memories, 12.Globalization, 13.Uses and abuses of mobile phone, 14.Eve teasing, 15.Leisure.

Composition: 1.Female education, 2.uses and abuses of mobile phone, 3. Students and social service, 4. A journey u have enjoyed by bus/train/boat, 5. Uses and abuses of facebook/social communication media/Satellite channels, 6. Digital Bangladesh, 7. wonders of modern science/Computer/Internet, 8. the season u like most, 9. Childhood memories, 10. The value of time, 11.Unemployment problem in Bangladesh, 13.Patriotism.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Comilla Board

CV: 1.A medical representative, 2.An office executive, 3.International mother language day, 4. Sales officer.

Paragraph: 1. Environment pollution, 2.The life of a farmer, 3. Traffic jam, 4.A street accident, 5. A school magazine, 6.Load shedding, 7. Your visit to a historical place, 8. An English teacher, 9. Your college library, 10. Victory day, 11.Computer, 12.Bad effect of smoking.

Composition: 1. Duties of a student, 2.Your 1st day at college, 3. My daily life, 4.A journey by train/ boat/ bus, 5. Wonders of modern science, 6. My aim in life, 7. Tree plantation, 8. A village market, 9. Physical exercise, 10.Newspaper, 11. A village fair, 12. Female education Bangladesh, 13.Population problem of Bangladesh.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Formal letter: 1.Increasing common room facilities, 2. Sitting up a computer club in your college, 3. A seat in the college hostel  , 4.Starting a debate club in your college, 5. Some money for excursion/study tour, 6.Sitting up a canteen in your campus.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Chittagong Board

Composition: 1. Student and social service, 2. Wonders of modern science , 3.Childhood memories, 4. Unemployment problem, 5. 1st day at college, 6.Female education (Role of women), 7. Mobile phone.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Report: 1.Road accident, 2. Devastating flood, 3.Fire on factory/slum, 4. Earthquake, 5.Food adulteration, 6. Prize giving ceremony, 7. International mother language day/Independence day, 8.Price hike.

Story: 1.Honest wood cutter, 2. Failure is the pillar of success, 3. King Lear/King Solomon, 4.Happiness lies in containment, 5.A true friend, 6. Happy cobbler, 7.Greedy farmer, 8. Thirsty crow.

Application: 1.Job application, 2. Stage a drama, 3. Demanding for restriction on using cell phone in the class room, 4. Elective subject, 5.To DC/TNO/CHAIRMAN for road construction, 6. Common room facilities, 7.For English speaking club, 8. Study tour.

Dialogue: 1.Punctuality in student life, 2. Trial of war criminal, 3.Eve teasing, 4. Environment pollution, 5. Preparation for HSC exam, 6.Uses and abuses of mobile phone, 7.Cyber cafe, 8. Importance of learning English.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Barisal Board

Paragraph: 1.An ideal student, 2.Digital Bangladesh/Internet/Facebook/Social Media, 3. Danger of smoking, 4. Price hike/rise/spiral, 5.Street accident, 6. Eve teasing, 7. Deforestation, 8. Drug addiction, 9. Your future plan, 10. Visit to zoo, 11.A book fair.

Composition: 1.Uses and abuses of satellite TV, 2. Natural calamities in Bangladesh, 3.Unemployment problem in Bangladesh, 4. Your first day at college, 5. Aim in life, 6. Rivers of Bangladesh, 7. Internet/Computer/Digital Bangladesh, 8.The season u like most, 9.Tree plantation.

Application: 1. A common room/Canteen/Computer club/English language club, 2. Seat in the college hostel, 3. A study tour, 4. Testimonial/TC/Full free studentship/stipend, 5. For audio system in class room, 6. Literacy club/Library facilities, 7.Relief for flood/SIDR affected people, 8. The repair/construct of a bridge/Road, 9. Sinking tube well, 10. Change of one of the elective subject.
HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Job application: 1.For the post of an accountant/Lecturer in English, 2.Marketing trainers, 3.Field workers, 4. Office executive, 5. Junior officer, 6.For the post of sakes executive, 7. Medical representative, 8.The post of Nurse, 9. Human resource officer.

Letter: 1. Inviting him to your sister marriage ceremony/ join your birthday party, 2. About bad effects of smoking, 3. To join a picnic, 4.For sending some money, 5.About importance of English, 6. About arsenic problem to your locality, 7. Unfair means in the exam hall, 8. About increase of terrorism in your area, 9.Frequent load shedding in your locality, 10. High price of essential commodities.

Dialogue: 1. How to make a good result, 2. Load shedding, 3. Bad effects of deforestation, 4. Village life and city life, 5. Importance of learning English, 6. Choice of career, 7. Uses and abuses of Internet/Facebook, 8. Acid throwing, 9. Arsenic pollution, 10. Doctor and patient, 11.Visiting a book fair, 12.Punctuality of student life/preparation of HSC exam, 13.Environment pollution, 14.Benefits of early rising, 15.Bad effects of smoking, 16.Coming exam, 17.Tree plantation.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion for Dinajpur Board

Application: 1.A seat in the college hostel, 2.Setting up or to repair a road/bridge/community clinic, 3.Setting up an English debating club/Multimedia classroom/Speakers  club/Sound system/Computer lab/Literary club/Canteen/Common room/College auditorium/Hostel/Prayer hall/Library/Shaheed miner, 4.For seeking permission to go on a study tour/visit a place for historical interest/arrange a picnic/stage a drama/arrange a debate competition/a cultural function/badminton, football, cricket tournament/observe victory day/celebrate the anniversary of Rabindranath/Nazrul, 5. The post of a sales/medical representative/teacher/lecturer/manager /executive/personal assistant/editor/sub-editor/officer.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Report: 1.Drug addiction, 2.Different causes of failure in English, 3.Day long hartal, 4. Price hike, 5. The lives of slum dwellers, 6. Traffic jam, 7. Fire in a garment factory, 8. Food adulteration, 9. A road accident.

Paragraph: 1.Female education, 2. Global warming, 3. The curse of doury, 4. Environment pollution, 5. Traffic jam, 6.Facebook/social communication media, 7. Climate change, 8. Earthquake, 9. The effects of deforestation, 10.Price hike, 11.Childhood memories, 12.Globalization, 13.Uses and abuses of mobile phone, 14.Eve teasing, 15.Leisure.

Composition: 1.Female education, 2.uses and abuses of mobile phone, 3. Students and social service, 4. A journey u have enjoyed by bus/train/boat, 5. Uses and abuses of facebook/social communication media/Satellite channels, 6. Digital Bangladesh, 7. wonders of modern science/Computer/Internet, 8. the season u like most, 9. Childhood memories, 10. The value of time, 11.Unemployment problem in Bangladesh, 13.Patriotism.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

HSC English 2nd Paper Question Hacked

Every year HSC exam takes place. The HSC exam is very important for the HSC students. There future career depends upon the HSC result. Every university has a required grade. It is necessary for the students to get the required GPA. English is an important subject because it is our international language and some university demands the students having GPA-5 in English. For these reasons examinees want to have good GPA in English. They collect the HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion and the examinees of this year will also collect the HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion. But some students are very weak in English. They want to have questions except the HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion. Hackers take this advantage. Hackers are skilled programmers. They have a great deal of knowledge about computer and machine code. They search for the weak point of programming and hack question papers. The hackers who illegally enter in a website are called crackers also. Crackers are very dangerous because they can find password.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

They do it for money and destroy the future of the young generation. Hackers hack the question and upload it in the website. The weak students take it. The main cause of the HSC exam is to evaluate the ability and knowledge of the students. But for hacking question, the ability and knowledge of the examinees remain hidden and the weak students do well in the examination. The impact over the students is very dangerous. They don’t want to read because they know that they will get the question before exam. They wait for the question and stop studying. This heinous work of the hackers destroys examinees learning will and their latent potential. The good students become upset and the weak students become happy. It kills our future talented examinees’ potential. The hacking of the HSC English 2nd Paper question must be stopped and the government must take necessary steps.

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion & Question

Changes that May Prove Fruitful in Question Pattern

Our Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid has taken steps to change the question pattern this year. There is less possibility to change of it in future. English is our second language and it is also international language. Every student should have good command over English. For this they need to improve their writing skill. But only grammar can’t improve that skill. Grammar follows language. If the questions of written part become more than the grammar part, it will be good for students. Free hand writing power should be encouraged and memorizing should be discouraged. Repeat of questions should be avoided. Varieties of questions should be introduced.

HSC English 2nd PaperQuestion

HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2019

HSC English Second Paper Suggestion publishes immediately after the examination of HSC 2019. So please don't worry about the HSC Suggestion and Question Pattern of 2019. In this blog site we are very very conscious about the exam of the students. We make the best suggestion forever. Sometimes people think that the HSC Englush 2nd Paper Question Out because we make 100% common suggestion.

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