Students, today we have come up with the JSC Physical Studies suggestion and question 2025 for your examination. You know that, there is not much time left for your examination. Now you do not have time for learning new lessons and acquiring new things. At this stage what you need is some exclusive suggestions and proper guidance for your perfect preparation. Well no need to search for these things here and there as you will get all these in one place right here, in our site. Students before going to the main discussion let us have a review on your question pattern and mark distribution.
JSC Physical Studies Question Pattern
Well students, this subject of yours does not require much effort. You can easily complete this course without facing any trouble and with less toil. In your board examination 50 marks question will be set. There will be no creative question. The written part is divided into two parts, each part containing 5 descriptive type questions within which you will have to answer only 3 questions. Each question will contain 5 marks. So, total 30 marks will be there in your written part and the remaining 20 mark will be in the MCQ section. You will get 2 hours in your written part and 20 minutes in your MCQ part.
JSC Physical Studies Suggestion 2025 with Question
Physical Studies is such a subject which deals with some activities of our everyday life and for this reason the basic concepts of this subject are known to almost all of us. This subject is about how to keep our body fit by doing various physical exercises. This subject mainly upholds the benefit of physical exercise and the adverse effect of not doing it. Approximately we all take some physical exercise for staying fit and healthy and that is why, you can relate your personal experience with our text book. And for this reason, this subject won’t be a difficult thing to cope with. This is only the written and more informative form of your practical activities. But don’t thing that you can pass the exam without reading books. The book contains lots of information and it is instructive too. So, if you want to complete the course without burning much energy download our suggestions and questions. Consider these things as your helping hand as it will reduce your effort to much extent andwill make your preparation better.

Study well and best of luck for your exam.
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